"we strive for water conservation"
• Waterfree - absolutely no water is required
• Maintenance free - no round the clock maintenance of water flush valve, sensors, drainage systems
etc. is required except cleaning once a day
• Hygienic - Bacteria and viruses thrive on moist surface and the wet surface of a flush urinal is a breeding
ground for their growth. Hence due to absence of water more hygienic conditions are maintained
• Easy installation - within one hour entire system can be installed
• Low maintenance cost - depending upon the use, only cartridge has to be replaced
• Reverse gases - due to air trap/barrier created by the cartridge, there are no reverse gases from the drainage
which creates bad do our in the rest room
• Green house gases - lot of energy is consumed to transport water which releases carbon gases thus contributes
to global warming. This is eliminated as there is no water required
• Savings - substantial monetary savings (enclosed chart) by way of water cost, energy, carbon etc
• Reduce burden on STP
• Certification- LEED and CII
• Awards - Global Green Award for the year 2009
Falcon ceramic bowls are made of thick walls to make it shock resistant. These are molded between the temperatures of 1100-1200 degree Celsius with a hot and dry molded. Walls are painted with Glycerin to make it nonstick. Before glazing these mold bowls are kept in an air tight pressure chamber which is dust proof as dust causes pin holes which make the bowl weak in long run. Glazing is antibacterial. Finely bowls are tested for 24 hours to ensure there are no hair line cracks and leakages.
This quality control production system ensures long life of the urinal.